Thursday, February 25, 2016

Happy Birthday most illustrious master of SILLY

Mark about 4 mos. with Robin 7

Mark's first Easter with Pam on  left and Robin on right

Another Easter with Mark- before the window was torn out and replaced by a sliding glass door.

Mark 10 recently arrived in Las Vegas


  1. Note the big curl on the top of Mark's head in the Easter photo on the porch. Mom used to keep some goop in the frig that she combed through his hair to make it curly. Did it work, Mark? She also taped a marble on his navel to keep him from having an "outie." It must have been a Logan thing.

  2. Wow! The Cub Scout uniform hasn't changed a bit! And that sure is a handsome devil wearing it. Reminds me of Corbin (Cameron's son) with the blond hair and glasses.
